FAME foundation was established to solicit, encourage and advance the social, emotional and economic wellbeing of women and girls as well as formulate programmes within the framework of national development plan with a view to enhancing the participation of women and advocate for gender parity in the society.
FAME foundation firmly believe that the entire nation, businesses, communities and groups can benefit from the implementation of programs and policies that adopt the notion of women empowerment.
It is no longer news that the Nigerian girl-child has suddenly become an endangered species. No thanks to the daily assault and all forms of abuse directed against her especially rape, violence, child labor, ignorance, disease, malnutrition, maltreatment, you name it.
Of all the crimes against the girl-child, rape is among the most heinous. This is because it causes social problems such as deaths, unplanned pregnancies and abortions, Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus (HIV) on those affected, leaving them emotionally disrupt.
In some countries like Nigeria, Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) is estimated to cost them up to 3.7 percent of their GDP – more than double what most governments spend on education. However, worried advocates in the campaign say cultural and harmful practices including ignorance are major factors fueling the trend.
With increase in the cases of raping minors in the country, that is the reason why Ogun state government deem it fit to open sex offenders’ register, in order to bring whoever culpable of offence to the book and deal with him according to the rule of law, and we should all know that a sex offenders’ registry is a system in which various countries designed to allow government authorities to keep track of the activities of sex offenders, including those who have completed their criminal sentences. In some jurisdictions, where sex offender registration can, registration is accompanied by residential address notification requirements. In many jurisdictions also, registered sex offenders are subject to additional restrictions, including housing. Those on parole or probation may also be subjected to restrictions that do not apply to other parolees or probationers.
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