FAME foundation was established to solicit, encourage and advance the social, emotional and economic wellbeing of women and girls as well as formulate programmes within the framework of national development plan with a view to enhancing the participation of women and advocate for gender parity in the society.
FAME foundation firmly believe that the entire nation, businesses, communities and groups can benefit from the implementation of programs and policies that adopt the notion of women empowerment.
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Project Management Policy and Procedure
The purpose of this policy is to provide a wide approach for Project Management for FAME Foundation.
The policy is;
Applicableto projects initiated by FAME
Aims and Objectives
The policy and procedure will enable service areas to understand the steps required to initiate, monitor, deliver and evaluate projects in a controlled way. This will, in turn, ensure that:
Projectsare successfully governed and managed to completion.
Increasethe visibility of projects to FAME’s
Enhancethe likelihood that projects achieve their stated outcomes and deliver the expected benefits within agreed timeframes and
FAME understands that not all projects require significant or complicated levels of governance, documentation, and reporting. The policy aims to guidelines to suit the requirements of every project. It also stipulates the minimum requirements for the governance and management of projects.
The document will provide clear guidance and best practices on:
Defininga project and producing a business case
Theprocesses employed to execute a successful
Rolesand responsibilities of the project team
Defining a Project
A Project is defined as containing the following features:
Aclearly defined business case which is regularly reviewed to assess its ongoing viability
Adefined start and
Definedand measurable
Aproject plan containing activities to achieve the outcomes specified and against which progress can be measured
Ananalysis of risk and steps to avoid or mitigate
Adefined budget, or other definition of resources available to complete the project
Atemporary management control structure with clear and accepted roles and responsibilities of the project management team
Project Phases
Practically, all projects consist of four lifecycle phases. The number of stages within each phase is dependent on the category of the project. The four main lifecycle phases of any project are:
ProjectClosure and
Appropriate management and controls through each of these four phases are essential to constitute an effective Project Management framework.
Project Management Structure
Corporate projects must have a management structure with defined and accepted roles and responsibilities. Some of the roles may be shared depending on the size and type of project. Key roles are:
Project Sponsor who is a member of the management team with corporate responsibility for the delivery of the project. The Sponsor will normally chair the Project Board and ensure that the project is appropriately resourced.
Project Manager who is responsible for:
planningand the day-to-day running of the project within the terms of the project brief
providingall necessary
gainingapproval for any deviation from the project brief
The Project Board
The project board oversees the project progress through regular highlight reports submitted by the Project manager. A minimum of 1 meeting per month should be the norm unless circumstances demand otherwise.
The project must be reviewed at the end of each stage to monitor viability and a detailed plan for the following stage produced. This;
ensuresthat appropriate resources are
monitors the continued relevance of the project and makes a recommendation to the SMTshould circumstances indicate that the project should be terminated or the brief significantly
The make-up of the board will depend on the nature of the project, its profile, cost, and risks. Minimum requirements will be a Project Sponsor, End User Representative, and Project Manager. Additional roles might be added for more complex projects.
The Project Plan
A project plan must be completed and followed throughout the project. The plan must include ‘who’ ‘when’ and ‘how’ specific targets should be achieved. The dependency between targets i.e. how a slip in time/money/quality on one item may affect another element of the project must be
clearly shown and the project plan broken down into convenient management stages. Project Stages are key sections or milestones of the project and will be defined by the Project Manager.
The project must be controlled systematically with an agreed reporting and monitoring structure approved at the start of the project. The project plan will form the basis of control and will be used by the project manager to monitor actual progress against the projected.
The project manager will also report at appropriate control points to the Project Board in the form of a highlight report. This will enable the project management to consider problems and initiate corrective action and authorize the continuation of the project.
Risk Assessment
A formal assessment of risk will be undertaken and incorporated into a Risk register. This will be reviewed throughout the project and form a regular part of the Project Managers’ report. The key to risk management is the consideration of steps to reduce or make provision for the risks identified.
Project Managers Report
The project manager’s report to the board will contain the following headings:
Progressand Programme
StakeholdersDecisions including any requests for change to the outputs required in the brief
WorkPlan for Next Period
Project Closure
It is important to close a project once completed and gain a formal sign-off from the project board. A Closure Report will be provided to the board, which will demonstrate:
Theobjectives identified in the project plan have been met
Finalbudgetary position
Identifyany follow on actions or lessons learned
Requestformal sign off
Confirmthat, where appropriate, the project has been handed over to the end-user/completed
Alldocumentation has been done and must be archived