FAME foundation was established to solicit, encourage and advance the social, emotional and economic wellbeing of women and girls as well as formulate programmes within the framework of national development plan with a view to enhancing the participation of women and advocate for gender parity in the society.
FAME foundation firmly believe that the entire nation, businesses, communities and groups can benefit from the implementation of programs and policies that adopt the notion of women empowerment.
On April 25 2021, FAME Foundation held her PLAY it DREAM it Boot-camp for the month of April, the third edition since the launching of the bootcamp. This monthly activity held at the Area 3 Football Pitch, Garki Abuja by 3pm, with over 40 Internally Displaced girls within the ages of 7-16, 2 coaches, and 7 mentors.
The boot-camp started with the arrival and registration of the beneficiaries at the dressing room, then a 10-minute fun-filled aerobics dance exercise, instructed by Ms. Damilola Adewale, Programme Officer, FAME Foundation. This was done to help the girls prepare for the football exercise.
Following the aerobic exercise was the football session, where the girls were instructed through football drills, exercise and games. A brief tug of war competition was organized, with the team pink and blue emerging as the winners.
Afterwards, one of the PLAY it DREAM it Volunteer had an interactive session with the girls majorly emphasizing on “Do not Touch”, a red flag warning to the girls abstaining from anything whatsoever that will dent their pride and bring down their integrity. He advised the girls to shun any form of immoral behavior and stay away from men attempting to touch sensitive parts of their body, all in the name of vain promises.
The girls were asked questions on the morals and lessons learnt from the interactive session and some of the girls likewise added their contributions on the lessons they have learnt from the topic discussed.
The translation of all the sessions was necessitated for better comprehension of the participants.
The next boot camp is scheduled to hold on May 30, 2021