FAME foundation was established to solicit, encourage and advance the social, emotional and economic wellbeing of women and girls as well as formulate programmes within the framework of national development plan with a view to enhancing the participation of women and advocate for gender parity in the society.
FAME foundation firmly believe that the entire nation, businesses, communities and groups can benefit from the implementation of programs and policies that adopt the notion of women empowerment.
FAME Foundation held her weekly HerSTEM training on July 16, 2021, at the Raw Materials Research and Development Council, Maitama, Abuja. Attendance was taken with a total number of 33 participants, 1 teacher, 2 sign language interpreters, 1 volunteer, 2 ad-hoc staff, and 3 FAME Staff.
The class started with rehearsals for the HerSTEM graduation, set to hold later in the year. The participants rehearsed on the presentations that will be displayed for the upcoming graduation. Lectures commenced at exactly 10:00 am, with Mr. Sylvanus Ofekun, the mathematics instructor. The class was very interactive as participants asked a lot of questions. Breakfast was served at exactly 11:30am.
During breakfast, the Executive Director of FAME Foundation, Ms. Aderonke Bello, was interviewed by Smyle Radio TV as she emphasized on the need and importance of empowering women and girls with disabilities.
The HerSTEM Project Officer, Ms. Miracle Oluwafemi was also interviewed along with Ms. Ruth, a volunteer of the HerSTEM initiative and the two class representatives, Ms. Joy Mohime and Ms. Antonia Enejo. They shared their experiences, challenges and lessons learnt since the launch of the HerSTEM Initiative.
Afterwards, the participants partook in a class quiz to ensure that they understood what was being taught in class. Take-home assignments were later given to all participants to solve and submit in the next class. At the end of the class, a wheelchair was donated to Ms.Dorcas Tanimu, a participant of the HerSTEM Initiative who is physically challenged. She expressed her gratitude to FAME Foundation and pictures were taken with all participant, volunteers of the HerSTEM Initiative and Staff of FAME Foundation.
Finally, participants were served lunch and were given information and details of the educational tour set to hold on July 29, 2021.
For more pictures visit https://www.instagram.com/p/CRZGLMgDxbd/?utm_medium=copy_link