A Not-Profitable Organisation set up to formulate programmes through several initiatives to mentor, empower and advocate for women and girls.
FAME foundation was established to solicit, encourage and advance the social, emotional and economic wellbeing of women and girls as well as formulate programmes within the framework of national development plan with a view to enhancing the participation of women and advocate for gender parity in the society. FAME foundation firmly believe that the entire nation, businesses, communities and groups can benefit from the implementation of programs and policies that adopt the notion of women empowerment.
Women Advocates Research and Documentation Centre (WARDC) is a human right, feminist
organisation with a mission to ensure gender justice for women and girls in Nigeria. Our work
is framed by our commitments to promote the rights of women and girls from any forms of
discrimination and violence; sexual and reproductive rights, right to health and human dignity,
right to economic justice, life and security, right to participate, and right to participate in
decision making. WARDC since its establishment in 2000, has built the capacity of women in
governance to play more active and quality role in politics and decision making to redress
gender imbalance in the development strides of the nation. WARDC launched the women in
parliament summit in conjunction with the Women in Parliament Committee, supported the
publication of Gender Audit of Elections and uses research to improve governance situation.
Over the years, WARDC worked with Women in Governance and mentored several women in
leadership. WARDC also supported the participation of women in constitution and policy
Women’s Rights Advancement and Protection Alternative, (WRAPA) is a leading women’s
right organization that has contributed immensely to Women in governance and access to
justice of women in Nigeria. Since its establishment in 1999, WRAPA has supported women
at the grassroots and national levels to amplify their voices and demand accountability.
WRAPA ensures policies and legislations are responsive to the rights of women and other
marginalized groups.
Democratization continues to be a necessary precondition for sustainable economic and social
development. To reap and sustain the gains of democracy, deliberate actions must be taken to
contribute to the inclusion of women, youths and other marginalized groups. In Nigeria,
ensuring the qualitative and sustained participation of these marginalized groups entails
deliberate responses to gender equality and social inclusion concerns in Nigeria’s ongoing
constitutional and electoral review processes.
Corruption, lack of transparency, gaps in election processes, and opaque party cultures
undermine the Nigeria democratic system. Therefore, it is important to mobilize women and
other marginalized groups to constructively engage and demand changes from political parties
and election management bodies, as well as set policy and practice benchmarks for these
It is also imperative that alterations, social and legal shifts evidence the removal of barriers to
women’s inclusion and participation, while also reducing the cost of corruption in governance
and service delivery for women and marginalized populations. Achieving this involves
organizing and facilitating critical masses of women at local, state, and national governance
levels to demand accountability, reduce corruption impunity, and stimulate GESI-based
inclusion in electoral processes, governance and the anti-corruption campaign in Nigeria.
Against this backdrop, WARDC in partnership with WRAPA is implementing the project
Improving Electoral Integrity and Accountability, with the support of MacArthur Foundation.
The project supports engagement with election management institutions and political parties
during and after the ongoing electoral and constitutional reform processes. WARDC is leading
the cluster on Affirmative Action and Constitutional Review and will work with National
Coalition for Affirmative Action (NCAA), Gender and Constitution Reform Network
(GECORN), the Feminist Womanifesto Platform (FWP) and Gender Technical Unit (GTU) in
conjunction with the supply-side actors to achieve constitutional and
electoral reforms responsive to qualitative participation of women in elections.
To this end, WARDC is seeking a consultant to undertake situation analysis of contributions
of women in parliament in Nigeria for improved electoral integrity and accountability.
• Develop a ‘counter narrative’ on the value of additional seats in parliament for women
• To show concrete evidence on the value women bring to governance
• Develop holistic narrative on the consequence of women’s exclusion and argument for
qualitative and quantitative participation of women
• Support advocacy for the Women Special Seats Bill in the National Assembly
Plot 253, off Defense Quarters, Garki Area 1, Durumi 1, Abuja.
Landmark: The Apostolic Church, Area 1. Federal Capital Territory.
Tel: +2349070051404
Email: info@famefoundationwg.org