FAME foundation was established to solicit, encourage and advance the social, emotional and economic wellbeing of women and girls as well as formulate programmes within the framework of national development plan with a view to enhancing the participation of women and advocate for gender parity in the society.
FAME foundation firmly believe that the entire nation, businesses, communities and groups can benefit from the implementation of programs and policies that adopt the notion of women empowerment.
It sounds very simple, but can have a very profound positive impact! A doctor decided to give some advice to women. The advice is simple and direct. Please share with all women, so all can be healthier and better in 2023.
You can’t finish all the chores in one day. Those who did are seriously ill and some are already buried.
Please make time to rest. It’s not a sin to sit down, put your legs up on the table and pick some popcorn while reading a book or relaxing.
Please sleep if needed, this headache will go away. Those who refuse to take a vacation, leave, take a break or rest, they miss their families because they died untimely
Stop taking sedatives to sleep, you destroy your brain and your organs. At some point you will start forgetting things. Relax the brain, worry less, think less, laugh more, smile more. Everything will pass with time.
Sometimes go and sit quietly outside, do nothing, say nothing, just admire God’s handiwork, calmly breathe the fresh air. Don’t hurry.
Stand by your mirror, smile to yourself, laugh, dance, sing, this ignites a positive aura around you so you can radiate.
Go buy yourself a snack or two or a drink if you choose to do so. Just do something for yourself, to unload things in your head.
Get the necessary gadgets at home to facilitate your work to avoid stress. Stress is the biggest silent killer of women.
If you don’t feel well, say so, do something, go to the health centre, hospital or call a nurse nearby, do not sit still. Your life matters.
Check your blood pressure and blood sugar from time to time, whether you are sick or not. It saved many women in the past. Trust me.