FAME foundation was established to solicit, encourage and advance the social, emotional and economic wellbeing of women and girls as well as formulate programmes within the framework of national development plan with a view to enhancing the participation of women and advocate for gender parity in the society.
FAME foundation firmly believe that the entire nation, businesses, communities and groups can benefit from the implementation of programs and policies that adopt the notion of women empowerment.
New Women Affairs Minister Promises Women Empowerment, Children Protection. The Minister of Women Affairs, Imaan Sulaiman-Ibrahim, on Monday vowed to intensify partnerships with stakeholders to protect children from abuse, trafficking, […]
Gender Equality Law Promotes Female Employment Sierra Leone passed landmark legislation last week aimed at advancing women’s rights. “Now that we have a stable and peaceful Sierra Leone, we cannot afford to […]
FAME FOUNDATION held her weekly HerSTEM training on July 9, 2021, at the Raw Materials Research and Development Council, Maitama, Abuja. Attendance was taken with a total number of 30 […]
FAME FOUNDATION held her weekly HerSTEM training on July 2, 2021, at the Raw Materials Research and Development Council, Maitama, Abuja. Attendance was taken with a total number of 32 […]
According to the World Health Organization, people with disabilities make up 15 percent of the world’s population, with women ranking higher among those with disabilities. Women and girls with disabilities […]
Keeping half the population at home is a way of life the conservative Islamic kingdom can no longer afford. It looks like a woman’s world on the 29th floor of Tamkeen Tower, […]
Fame foundation organized a two-day event in commemoration of the International Women’s Day 2020. The first day was a conference themed, “Women and Sports Dialogue” held on March 4, 2020 […]